It was down for a long time but HardMVS is back. In my opinion it was impossible to let a so amazing Neo Geo MVS knowledge base in the dark so I decided to rescue it.
Briggs did a long and hard job to put all those information together so my initiative should be seen as a big "Thank you!" to him and all people who participated.
To be clear, I will not make any money with this site, I'm doing it just for the sake of sharing Neo Geo MVS and Arcade passion.
Added MVS-U2-29 and MVS-U4-29 - Thanks SSS
Updated MVS-U2-33 and MVS-U4-33 - Thanks SSS
Added MVS-U-33 Manual - Thanks SSS
Added Neo Geo Steering Wheel Schematic- Thanks Tony.G (nightmaretony)
Added Neo Geo Programmers Guide - Thanks Tony.G (nightmaretony)
New PCB added - MV-1AX - Thanks Aaron (HeavyMachineGun)
Updated WG-K7000 Monitor manual - Thanks Bill (Billkwando)
Updated to a full MV-1 manual - Thanks Bill (Billkwando)
We are alive and kicking...
If there is anything that you would like to add or find that needs updating amending, please let me know.
Added some new PCB info - MV-1FS, MV-1T, MV-2 and MV-4T - Thanks James (Xian Xi)
First news page update in 5 years - you gotta love that.
Fixed some links - the Bob Roberts page now goes where it should as well as some others.
I also added a jpeg and viso file for the control panel conversion layout and a high res scan of the memory card sticker.
Another project up - I'd like to say it's new, but Toddy sent this to me a *long* time ago and my slack butt just got it posted today.
Big thanks to Toddy for his work on how to Replace the Battery in your Memory Card.
Also, I have added a section on The Irritating Maze. Thanks to RevQuixo for his work on putting this together.
Update: Wheeeee! I'm on a roll. Yet another project up - Making a Jamma Adapter.
New project up - Converting the Control Panel. This is the 3rd part in the Converting a Cabinet project.
Yeah, I finally updated it. I will actually finish it this summer. I promise.>
While there have been some updates to the site, I have been pretty slack about the news. Today I fixed some of the CSS link issues.
Look for a major content update in the near future. Big thanks to Blaine for the nice graphics on the main page.
Fixed the links to the manuals. Added Part 2 of the cab conversion project - Making the MVS Wiring Harness.
Scanned and uploaded the MV-1C manual (Thanks Trieu!).
Added some new flyer scans, and a bunch of new manuals. More to come...
I have the PCB Guide up now. If you see any mistakes or have anything to add, please let me know.
The Wire Shop is now open. Email me with any questions.
I have a section up now on adding the AES BIOS to your MVS PCB. It is in the Projects section. Take a look, it's very cool.
Posted the pinouts for the Control Panel Molex connectors in the Downloads section. Enjoy.
Thanks to bernie1844 who pointed out a typo on the Jamma vs MVS .PDF file. It has been corrected and updated. Keep me honest folks...
I updated the MVS Jamma harness labels to make them easier to figure out which goes where.
I updated the MVS vs Jamma pinout sheet (which nobody told me had a spelling error...) and added some more Candy cab pictures.
More to come.
I've been a busy boy. Projects now has two new additions, adding a pause button, and adding -5V to your harness.
I also put up scans of the MVS link cable instructions in downloads and pictures of the MVS power supply in parts.
Thanks again to JHendrix for giving me the idea on the pause button project.
Changed the layout a bit, added a navigational frame which I think makes things cleaner.
I also changed the visited link color, which is better, but still not great.
Also, big upps to Joe McCabe who pointed me to two more MVS flyers, so check them out.
Updated the Projects page with MVS Slot cleaning (thanks Toddy), and the beginnings of the big project: Turning an empty arcade cab into a MVS machine.
Also added some pics under "Oddities" and started a Wiring section.
The new domain www.hardMVS.com is live. We are legit!
I fixed a few missing pages, so everything should be up now. Crow T. Robot sent in pics of his 2 & 4 slot PCBs which are up on the PCB page in parts.
Now - I put back the parts page with additional stuff, take a look. Added Nick_th_Fury's 4 slot manual - Thanks Nick! Also added some really nice flyers.
If you have any others, please send them in.
The MVS Jamma labels have been updated. Devilman78 from Neo-Geo.com found an error which has been fixed. Please be sure you have the latest file.
Added more Candy Cab pics, and a good scan of a memory card and headphone sticker.
I also made up labels for your Jamma harnesses so you can easily see what wires are what. You can find it in the manual section.
Added the project page with the Credit Button project. Added the Bulb page in Parts.
I scrapped the idea of the MVS to Jamma adapter due to the large amount of work and the small benefits.
I am getting another cab in a few weeks and I will do a project page on rewiring it and I will incorporate -5V and getting Mono out of both speakers in that.
Added the parts page, and the memory card page. Also expanded the Candy page.
We now have a page on the Candy cabs. This one will grow in the next few days.
Thanks to the guys over at http://speksnk.metropoliglobal.com for letting me use the images. If you have an MVS cab, send me a picture.
I just revised the Jamma to MVS PDF in the Manual section. I added notes on some of the things that I thought were not really clear, so check it out.
I started making the Jamma to MVS adapter last night and I hope to have pictures up in a couple of days.
Not sure how interested people are going to be once they see the work and find out what it will do. Stay tuned.
We still need more manuals if you have them. Look in the Manual section, and if you have one that is not currently linked please let me know.